
We do not charge any commission, or for any kind of subscription. We are in the process for taking approval from exchanges and brokers. We do not provide trading advice or act as an investment adviser. Our services are limited to automated trading application development, deployment, and maintenance. Although all algorithms are based on backtested data, we cannot guarantee their future performance.

The algorithm used in an automated system is agreed upon with the user before to deployment, and we accept no responsibility for any losses caused by it. Past performance of an advise/strategy/model does not guarantee future performance of any current or future strategy/model or advise by our system, and actual returns may differ significantly from those depicted herein due to a variety of factors such as impact costs, expenses charges, timing of entry/exit, timing of additional flows/redemptions, individual client mandates, portfolio construction characteristics, and so on.

There is no assurance or guarantee that the goals of any strategy/model or advise supplied by us will be met. AlgoTradeKing, its partners, or principal officers/employees do not guarantee any return on investment in the strategies/models/advice provided to the Investor. The value of an investment might rise or fall depending on the variables and forces affecting the securities market. AlgoTradeKing and its associates are not liable or responsible for any loss or shortfall resulting from operations influenced by market conditions.

We are not yet allowing our system access to anyone except for the testing purpose, you may register on the platform but will not be admitted access by the admin until we complete our testing and then approval by exchanges and relevant authorities.